Everybody needs a TRIBE…

I interviewed more than 100 entrepreneurs, HR and talent development professionals, and I kept hearing over and over the same stories:

”I am stuck in my role”
“I am on my own”
“I need some clarity”
“My  boss does not listen to me”
“I lack  support”
“I am not good enough”
“I don’t belong”


Bright minds powering
your engine


Enter a safe space to experiment and be inspired to grow


Leverage the collective brain power of the tribe


Be held accountable by your tribe


Experience your Tribe

Get a feel for how our mastermind tribe works in one of our free ZOOM sessions:

  • Open Mastermind session: September 7, 01:00 pm EST (Eastern Time) Recording

  • Open Mastermind session: July 27, 04:00 pm EST (Eastern Time) Recording

  • Open Mastermind session: February 3, 06:00 pm EST (Eastern Time) Recording


Join the Tribe Now…

Become a member and start to Thrive


 Join the Mastermind Tribes

A Mastermind is a small and intimate group of like-minded professionals who come together to collaborate and generate new ideas, while supporting each other and holding themselves accountable for their goals.

Personal and Professional Growth

Professional growth is ineffectual in the absence of personal growth.

The learning you will access during our Mastermind group meetings is limitless. Each member willingly and openly shares insights and ideas from their experiences. You will learn from their successes and mistakes, and since you’re in a group of your peers, you frequently learn as much from others Hot Seats as you do your own.


  • A tribe of talent development and human resources professionals looking to grow their career to the next level and learn from each other based on confidentiality, generosity and trust.

    Apply to join

    As a Talent Development or Human Resources professional, whether in an organization or as an independent consultant, we all need others to grow and build better learning experiences for our customers.

    Our roles can sometimes make us feel lonely, unheard, and unsupported.

    Are you seeking:

    • A sense of community.

    • New ideas and perspectives.

    • Help to make better decisions.

    • Honest feedback on your ideas.


    This mastermind group will unleash the collective brain power of 6- 8 extraordinary minds. You will never feel alone again.

    Participation in this tribe will:

    • Create real progress in your career.

    • Clarify your ideas.

    • Solve problems and bring difficult decisions.

    • Get honest feedback, advice, and brainstorming.

    • Make decisions instead of being stuck.

    • Receive critical insights into yourself and your business.

    • Help you set up strong goals.

    • Get accountability among the group.

    • Support you in creating solid action plans.

    • Encourage you to take action.

    • Sharpen your business skills.

    How it works:

    The Hot Seat is the key element of the Mastermind. It’s a safe space to work through big challenges and opportunities facing you as a leader. When you’re in the Hot Seat, you are the sole focus of the group’s attention. You get instant feedback, hear new perspectives, and get better, more numerous ideas than you could conceive on your own - massively reducing your learning curve.

    Program Includes:

    Members: 6 to 8 Talent Development Directors or HR Directors or consultants

    • Your private 60-minute Kickstart Strategy Session with me. Set your goals and intention for your participation in the program.

    • Meetings: 2,5 hours once a month (via Zoom).

    • Hot Seats: each meeting member will take turns in the “Hot Seat”, presenting a specific issue to the group.

    • Confidentiality: what we discuss in the group stays in the group.

    • Accountability: set goals at each meeting, and report on goals from previous meetings.

    • Huddle touchpoints: every other week that we do not have a main session, we have a 15 min. huddle brief touchpoint to keep bonding with the Tribe.

    • Tribe connects: we connect and share progress, resources, and bond through a private Telegram group.

    • Duration: 4 months commitment (5 meetings).

    • Investment Program I: $640 (USD)

    • Investment Program II: $640 (USD)

    • One-to-one coaching: optional monthly 60-minute sessions, as an ongoing meeting alongside the group ($200 per session).

    2023 PROGRAMS:



    Introduction session: Thursday, March 9 , 5 - 7:30 pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)

    • Meeting #1: Thursday, March 23, 5:00 - 7:30 pm EST

    • Meeting #2: Thursday, April 13, 5:00 - 7:30 pm EST

    • Meeting #3: Thursday, May 11, 5:00 - 7:30 pm EST

    • Meeting #4: Thursday, June 8, 5:00 - 7:30 pm EST

    PROGRAM II (Q3, Q4):

    Introduction session#1: Thursdays, September 28, 4:00 - 6:30 pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)

    • Meeting #2: Thursday, October 5, 4:00 - 6:30 pm EST

    • Meeting #3: Thursday, October 19, 4:00 - 6:30 pm EST

    • Meeting #4: Thursday, November 16, 4:00 - 6:30 pm EST

    • Meeting #5: Thursday, December 14, 5:00 - 7:30 pm EST


    Contact me

    Join now

  • A fierce space to share challenges and opportunities with peers who understand what it takes to run a small business and can provide you support, clarity and new perspectives.

    As a small business owner, you are faced with challenges and opportunities, developing plans, make tough decisions or find new business opportunities. In this tribe, you will never feel alone, you will get clarity of ideas and we will make time for you to help you make the best decisions for your business.


    This mastermind group will unleash the collective brain power of 6 extraordinary minds. You will never feel alone again.

    Participation in this tribe will:

    • Create real progress in your career.

    • Clarify your ideas.

    • Solve problems and bring difficult decisions.

    • Get honest feedback, advice and brainstorming.

    • Make decisions instead of being stuck.

    • Receive critical insights into yourself and your business.

    • Help you set up strong goals.

    • Get accountability among the group.

    • Support you in creating solid action plans.

    • Encourage you to take action.

    • Sharpen your business skills.

    How it works:

    The Hot Seat is the key element of the Mastermind. It’s a safe space to work through big challenges and opportunities facing you as a leader. When you’re in the Hot Seat, you are the sole focus of the group’s attention. You get instant feedback, hear new perspectives, and get better, more numerous ideas than you could conceive on your own - massively reducing your learning curve.

    Program Includes:

    Members: 6-8 founders or small business owners from different countries

    • Requirement: company revenue between $100 k- $500k and have been in business for at least 2 years.

    • Your private 90-minute Kickstart Strategy Session with me. Set your goals and intention for your participation in the program.

    • Meetings: 2 hours once a month (via Zoom).

    • Hot Seats: each meeting member will take turns in the “Hot Seat”, presenting a specific issue to the group.

    • Confidentiality: what we discuss in the group stays in the group.

    • Accountability: set goals at each meeting, report on goals from previous meetings.

    • Tribe connect: connect and share progress, resources and bond through a private Telegram group.

    • Duration: 6 months commitment.

    • Investment: $960 (USD)

    • One-to-one coaching: optional monthly 60-minute sessions, as an ongoing meeting alongside the group ($200 per session).

    Dates 2022:

    Introduction session: Friday, March 11, 9am - 10 am EST (Eastern Standard Time)

    • Meeting #1: Friday, March 25, 09 am – 11:00 am EST

    • Meeting #2: Friday, April 22, 09 am – 11:00 am EST

    • Meeting #3: Friday, May 27, 09 am – 11:00 am EST

    • Meeting #4: Friday, June 24, 09 am – 11:00 am EST

    • Meeting #5: Friday, July 15, 09 am – 11:00 am EST

    • Meeting #6: Friday, August 5, 09 am – 11:00 am EST


    Contact me


Frequently asked questions

  • In this mastermind tribe, you will want to be fully engaged; to be open and fluid in both the giving and receiving of ideas and advice. Being fully engaged includes opening yourself up to other people. Sharing yourself in a group opens you to some degree of vulnerability.

    Mastermind groups work because members want to be part of something bigger than themselves. In this tribe, we want to bring the spirit of UBUNTU, “I am because we are”. If you are not successful, we are not either. The tribe energy is a key component to the mastermind group, and you have to be connected and give yourself fully.

  • It’s not a class. While your tribe can vote to bring in guest speakers and experts occasionally, the main focus of a mastermind group is the brainstorming and accountability support among the group members.

    It’s not group coaching or a therapy group. Mastermind groups are about the MEMBERS sharing with each other, not about the Facilitator coaching individuals in a group setting. You get everyone’s feedback, advice and support.

    It’s not a networking group. While you may share leads and resources with each other, it is not the main focus of the meetings. However, through your connections with other members, you will find plenty of joint venture opportunities, lead sharing, and professional networking.

  • As a participant, here is WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT:

    The attention and focus of all members when you are in the Hot Seat. All eyes and minds are on you during your Hot Seat. Every member’s contribution has you and your success at its core.

    Solutions, ideas, support, feedback. After each Hot Seat you’ll have ideas you can use immediately to achieve your results.

    Accountability. Each meeting, you’ll report your progress on actions you committed to at the last meeting. Members and your facilitator will hold you accountable to your commitments.

    Support between meetings from other members. Members are a phone call or instant message away.

    As a participant, here is what would be EXPECTED OF YOU

    • Be physically and mentally present in all meetings

    • Prepare for your hot seat

    • Be positive

    • Be supportive at all times

    • Orient all contributions to help others

    • Be honest and vulnerable

    • Come with a spirit of giving

    • Share openly

    • Maintain confidentiality

    • Commit to your success and that of all members.


You will never feel alone again!

You will become part of something bigger than yourself!


 Spark your inner light


Stay connected with Iñigo

My Story